Looks like Capcom has us covered.
This past Thursday, Capcom announced that they will be giving away DuckTales: Remastered press kits to fans. From now until September 11th, Capcom will be giving away at least one press kit every weekday. Assuming the selections start today, that means they will be giving away at least 13 press kits to lucky contest winners. However, in the video posted above, the press kit Capcom was showing off was labled number 89/150. If Capcom sent out the press kits in numerical order and number 90 is the lowest number they are giving away (they said we're not getting number 89), that means they could be giving away as many as 61 press kits to the public! While I imagine the number won't be that high, it would be really cool of Capcom if they gave away anywhere near that many press kits away.
Right now there two ways to win a press kit; you can either submit a video of yourself singing the DuckTales theme song, or you can create an image depicting a duck version of a Capcom character. If you feel you don't have the talent for either, I think you don't have to worry. Capcom hasn't made any indication that the entries will be judged based solely on talent. It seems like they will be picking the ones they like the most for whatever reason. It's entirely possible that some of the winners could be chosen randomly from the eligible entries. It's not completely clear, to be honest. In addition, press kits will also be given away through Capcom-Unity's twitter, facebook, and YouTube pages.
With all that said, I'm actually really glad that Capcom is giving away these kits to people outside of the press. Personally, it can feel wrong when collectible items are only given to the people who can review games ahead of release and the people who actually buy the games don't get a chance to own them. It's also a real downer when sometimes people of the press downplay the items they get (not naming names). Because of that, I applaud Capcom for giving their audience a chance to own a copy of the limited edition collectible. I feel like going through these contests also help weed out some of the people who just want sell it online. Since the singing and art contest aren't a simple form entry contests, it's makes it more likely that the people who truly want the kits are the people putting the effort in their entries. Regardless of your opinion of Capcom, it's nice to see a company interact with their community this way.
It would also be really nice if I won one of those press kits. I already submitted to the singing contest. Now I have to work on my art entry. Wish me luck!
For all info on the contests, check out the blog post on Capcom-Unity.
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